APPG to discuss young people & housing issues
Tuesday 2nd February, 5.00pm-7.00pm
Committee Room 10, House of Commons.
Dear colleague,
I am writing to you as Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs to invite you to the next meeting of the group on Tuesday 2nd February at 5.00pm in Committee Room 10, House of Commons.
The group is holding its first meeting of the year and will be focusing on the issue of young people and housing. The meeting will explore a number of topics including how young people access the rental market and how they can get on to the property ladder, what government schemes are available to support young people and whether they meet their needs, and whether the accommodation available to young people in the private rented sector is suitable.
The APPG on Youth Affairs is an unusual group in that young people attend the meetings and there is usually a lively debate between them and the Parliamentarians present. We hope that this meeting will be an interactive and informal forum in which attendees will discuss the issues that matter to young people.
I hope that you and the young people you work with are able to join us to take part in this event. If you have any young people in your organisation who would like to come could you please contact Phillippa Lewis of the group’s secretariat to reserve a space on 020 7186 9551 or via email at
Yours sincerely
Chloe Smith MP
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs
Published by the British Youth Council (BYC), the National Council of Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS) and YMCA England on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Affairs.